Our mission is to empower professionals and new enterpreneurs
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Lesson series
A Unique Platform
Industry Specialization
The Lifescience Zone is not a generic executive education program in management, it specifically and explicitly addresses issues of the life sciences business and the way they must be managed in the context of that industry.
The Lifescience Zone is not a generic executive education program in management, it specifically and explicitly addresses issues of the life sciences business and the way they must be managed in the context of that industry.
Experiential Learning
The program faculty is composed of current and former top-level life science executives who have already personally faced and successfully resolved the same business issues in the global context which allows the transfer of unique, invaluable real-life learning insights.
The program faculty is composed of current and former top-level life science executives who have already personally faced and successfully resolved the same business issues in the global context which allows the transfer of unique, invaluable real-life learning insights.
Business Issue Centricity
Both the program content and its delivery methodology are focused around actual life science business problems; instead of being centered around classical academic topics such as marketing and finance, it is built around topics such as “launching new therapies” or “maximizing patient access”.
Both the program content and its delivery methodology are focused around actual life science business problems; instead of being centered around classical academic topics such as marketing and finance, it is built around topics such as “launching new therapies” or “maximizing patient access”.
Certification & Credibility
The credibility of the University's Business School.
The credibility of the University's Business School.
A Unique Platform
Industry Specialization
The Lifescience Zone is not a generic executive education program in management, it specifically and explicitly addresses issues of the life sciences business and the way they must be managed in the context of that industry.
The Lifescience Zone is not a generic executive education program in management, it specifically and explicitly addresses issues of the life sciences business and the way they must be managed in the context of that industry.
#1 Beautiful Sales Pages
Experiential Learning
The program faculty is composed of current and former top-level life science executives who have already personally faced and successfully resolved the same business issues in the global context which allows the transfer of unique, invaluable real-life learning insights. Experiental Learning
The program faculty is composed of current and former top-level life science executives who have already personally faced and successfully resolved the same business issues in the global context which allows the transfer of unique, invaluable real-life learning insights. Experiental Learning
#2 Intelligent sales engine
Mauris condimentum, tellus non lobortis ultricies, orci risus condimentum nisi, quis commodo nisl orci sed metus. Vestibulum dapibus pretium fringilla.

#3 Rich interactive courses
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#4 Fully social learning
Mauris condimentum, tellus non lobortis ultricies, orci risus condimentum nisi, quis commodo nisl orci sed metus. Vestibulum dapibus pretium fringilla.